Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 25

Christchurch to Waikari 78km

Given the blustry westerlies that had blown since my arrival in Chch I headed north to cross the Southern Alps via Lewis pass. It was a pleasantly overcast morning and by far the flattest road I've encountered in NZ. I made good time out of the city with its multitude of cars and eventually found myself in the pleasant little enclave of Waikari. The domain camping was great. $5 for a tent site and a shower. I shared the entire place with a guy from England and his girlfriend from Germany. They are basically migrant workers who live at the camp site. Their visas allow them to keep a job for 3 months before they have to move on to the next location.

The local hotel--one of only two buildings on the main street--made a great steak sandwich and I spent the rest of the afternoon watching tennis on their enormous big screen TV.

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